So do I have small guy syndrome? I suppose, in a way. I graduated high school at 5'7 and I was around 128 pounds. I always looked up to those people who were big and strong and wanted to be like them so much. Have you ever been called small, short, small, tiny... every. single. day. of. your. life. I have. I always have looked young also. I looked about 14 when I graduated as an 18 year old. When I spent 2 years in Louisiana on a LDS mission I would get, "boy how old are you?!" every day. I vowed when I got home I'd work out as hard as I could so I'd get the respect I've always wanted.
I got home, and started lifting weights. I had no idea what I was doing. I only had the standard knowledge of a college boy (which as a normal college kid you think you know lot about lifting, but you don't know anything to tell you the truth) and I gained maybe 8-10 pounds. One day I came home from the gym, and I said, "I'm going to become a trainer." So, I went out and 3 months later I became a certified trainer. I got a job at Golds Gym and trained there up until 5 months ago.
Over the last 3 years I've gone from 130 pounds, I've been as big as 167 pounds, and right now I'm about 158 pounds.
I also have a super hero syndrome. I want to be the guy that when you're around him you feel like nothing can touch you because you've got me by your side. I want to be that guy that you would want with you when you had to walk to your car at night downtown. I have a crazy protective instinct and nothing - NOTHING - is going to hurt my family. The bigger and stronger I can get, the more I can feel like that.
That's why I am so obsessed with this. It's why I eat what I eat and workout how I workout.
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